Forgotten Myths, Part 1: The Spring

The orange glow from the mosaic windows faded from the view as Juni walked down the stairs from the heart of the abandoned temple. Its ancient musk, cold and damp, drawn into her breath as she walked carefully into the dark corridor, her bright flashlight guiding her through the darkness. 

The stairs ended on a short landing overlooking what was once a gallery of some sort. Or prison. The walls of each side were lined with heavy reinforced wooden doors, some of which lay at angles suggesting the previous occupants were not always happy with the accommodations. This would have been a sight that turned most people to run. But she worked far too hard on her studies to even think of turning back now and had an idea what to expect from other sites she had explored.

She stood at the top of the stairs for a few moments, savoring the scent and atmosphere of the room. It had been a long road for her to find this place and she did not want to rush into things now. The endless hours of research, frustrating trails long dead and a six month research placement in a monastery that left even this sexually adventurous woman exhausted but oh so satisfied with the results.

Juni was in the final year toward her PHd in ancient mythology, with a focus on the more “interesting” aspects of mythology, particularly witchcraft and ritualistic magic. While her advisors were of course understanding in Juni’s interests, her forceful personality and captivating features usually won any argument with the University. Of course they didn’t know about all of her interests.

She was very comfortable with the sexual side of her personality, although some of the things that held her attention were not the things that would be shared with the University board. Her studies had taken her deep into the realms of sexual magic, feeding her kink for teratophilla, not exactly a popular topic in academia, or so some of her professors would have led her to believe, assuming she didn’t notice their appraising glances whenever she was hinting around the subject.

Shaking her head from her memories, Juni carefully made her way down the steps to the lower level. The air was cool, the stone floors covered with a layer of dust and old leaves from the trees surrounding the site. Some looked to have been recently disturbed, reminding her to stay alert although she smirked at the thoughts of what she remembered reading took place at these sites. 

Looking at the layout of the room Juni knew she had finally found the right spot. Last year she spent several months on a research grant at an isolated monastery in the northern mountains tracking down some scrolls said to have been stored there. The old monk and his apprentice that used to make her read the texts aloud while they fondled her, their hands shaking excitedly on her breasts when she described the actions of the priestesses, had described the temple in great detail. From her studies and the stories the monks shared, she knew there would be creatures at this site, she could feel it. The lascivious ones, brought here from other planes to this temple of pleasure, once trained and used for their rituals and worships. With particular interests of her own, this intrigued her greatly, urged her to find this place, maybe even the creatures if she’s lucky.

Although, some of them may have turned feral by the looks of what they’ve done to their cages.

Shining her light across the room, Juni approached one of the broken doors, fingers tracing the dusty glyph carved in the wall. The glyph looked small, she thought as she traced the snail-like creature, barely two hands long. She felt her breath catch, imagination running wild as she envisioned the priestesses holding one of these, letting it slide along her body in exquisite torment. The texts had been so descriptive of these creatures keeping the priestesses in a state of constant arousal in their rituals. 

Peering inside the room, she felt a slight disappointment but was not overly surprised. The room was empty, the pool in the corner long dried. Remains of old cots or benches along the side made her raise an eyebrow, giggling as she imagined the priestesses visiting the room to feed their pets while satisfying their own desires.

Stepping back to the main gallery, she continued exploring the underground hall, wondering what other creatures this place held, seeing if any of them are still around. But either she couldn’t open the chambers or they were empty. A side corridor took her to a library of sorts with several books remarkably still in good condition. Carefully brushing the dust off she put one in her pack before glancing at her watch.

“Sun will be setting soon,” she said to herself. Glancing around she figured it was time to start the trail back to the village she was staying at. The path to the temple was not well marked and not one she wanted to try in the dark.

Retracing her steps she noticed another side corridor near the temple entrance she had missed on the way in, Curious she took the detour, surprised to find the living chambers around the main hallway. A dormitory, restrooms, a kitchen, and a library. 

“This is amazing,” she said aloud. Looking in a few rooms, the beds in the dormitory had broken down or been scavenged long ago by the locals, but she was able to find a relatively clear room. She glanced back out the hall, looking at the sun again, something making her hesitant to walk back to the village. She had spent so long working to discover this place that the thought of leaving didn’t feel right.

“Hell with it, I’m staying here.”

Juni shrugged off her pack, using her boot to clear a spot on the floor. As an experienced archaeologist, she had brought supplies to get her through a night, two if she stretched it out. Her gear, courtesy of a grant from the school, was super-lightweight, the pad and sleeping bag rolled tight to the sides of her pack. She took out the small tunnel tent, considering doing without, but figured an old temple like this would have more than enough rats or bugs to keep her awake. Not that she didn’t mind the occasional creepy crawler on her, a good night's sleep was something to enjoy too!

Setting up her spot took only a few moments, leaving her time to continue her explorations of the living area. A door just down the hall opened to another large room, the smell of clean mossy air wafting into the hallway.

“No way!”

Along the back wall was a large natural pool, wisps of steam coming off the water. Stepping close she looked over the rock walls and dipped her fingers in the pool, smiling at the warm tingle.

“This is just perfect!”

Going back to her campsite, Juni finished setting herself up and made a quick meal as the sun set. Setting out some glowsticks gave the room an eerie green cast, but wouldn't be bright enough to attract attention outside the room. Undressing, she took her camp towel and a battery powered lamp and went back to the pool room.

Slipping into the pool she sighed in pure pleasure. There was a gentle current, the swirling current from the sides keeping the warm water circulating against her. Settling on the ledge she closed her eyes a moment, her arms floating on the surface.

“It’s so good to be me,” she said with a laugh. Feeling her muscles relax, she dried her hands and, adjusting the lamp, picked up the book she had found in the other room.

Laying back in the hot water, she carefully read the book she had found. Translating as she read she was excited to see the priestesses were quite descriptive in their writing and before long Juni let her hand wander over her body as she read of the pleasures the priestesses took from their inhuman servants. 

“They have a mouth,” she whispered as she read the pages, pinching her nipple as she read, “along their bottom side. Is that how those snails pleasured the priestesses?”

She laid her fingers on her left thigh, caressing herself upward as if one of those snails was climbing on her legs, trying to imagine the gripping creepy feeling on her skin, slowly getting very close to her groin. She didn’t care if she would have let it happen. But she was most certainly curious. The anatomy of that tongue, the description of what it did to the bodies, how the mouth of the snail would “suck”, started to get her imagining.

Brushing her fingers past her crotch, her imaginary snail kept climbing across her belly and towards one of her breasts. Reading on, she imagined how it would feel to have the snail carefully envelop her breast, her nipple sucked into its mouth and squeezed, its tongue wrapping around and slithered.

She closed her eyes, immersing herself into it further. Feeling her body relaxing, she could almost feel the snails on her, which made her aroused quickly. She squeezed herself a bit harder and hastily sat the book on the dry surface next to her. That hand instinctively went in between her thighs without her realizing it.

Her breasts and her groin felt like they were being sucked.

It must be the water,’ She thought with a sigh. ‘I guess my hands feel great! Or am I just imagining it?

She kept playing with herself more intensely, her heavy breath cracking into moans and her back arching as her joints tensed from stimulations.

Suddenly a jolt of pleasant sensation sparkled from her crotch, her high pitched giggle drawing into a gasp of sheer pleasure . Something pressed on her lips, something long and flexible, rhythmically rubbing all across her labia in a circle.

That feels like what I just read their tongues would do! But… is my finger doing it? And how are both of my breasts… And my neck? Legs?’

Her breath turned to gasps and she frowned, both in pleasure and confusion. She tried to move her arms to feel what’s going on, but nothing happened. She opened her eyes, feeling eerily drowsy and struggling to focus.

She saw her arms and legs limp in the spring pool that no longer held water, unable to move her exposed body but able to feel everything. Huge black fluid bubbles gently throbbing and swirled on her skin, tugging and eating her groin and breasts. Several more moved within the grotto and along the rest of her body as if they were swimming. Blurrily she thought she could see more pouring out of the wall in the distance.

These were the snails she’s been reading from the book! The little toys of the priestesses, the ones that could slip into any parts of the body. And she could feel the ample kissers were obsessed with her clit and nipples. 

She let out a low moan followed by an abrupt gasp, head rolling back as the sensations rolled over her. Her body twitched and trembled as the powerful sensations from their kisses spun her body into a cycle of clench and relaxation. She had played with snails before but nothing like this!

These monster snails felt like they were melting into her body, embracing her as if they’re worshiping her, eager to see her giving into the pleasure, excited to find her in such an exposed state.

Every stroke of their tongues evoked the naughtier sides of her mind and moans, quickly adjusting to their foul rhythms and composing. Becoming aroused and curious, she wanted to see what was happening, focusing her gaze over her body. The sight of her own familiar frame and how those slimy alien creatures dominated her felt more thrilling than scary, even though they still felt weird and violating under their pulsing blobs. The snails motions felt like kisses. But almost too slithery, too ample, too intense… and she emphasized “almost”. They all felt appropriate considering their monstrous sizes and excited movements. She wouldn’t have it any other way.

According to the book, and from what she was feeling, they were on the third or fourth stage of interaction, which meant they'd already been exploring and teasing her body for several minutes while she was unconscious. Then they would have latched themselves onto the parts of her body where she reacted to the pleasure.

She blushed at the thought of them feeling all around her body focusing on her most pleasurable parts. Her focus shifted to sense one particular snail, the one wrapping around her crotch, to feel what they’ve been practicing on her while she was unconscious, and to see if she can figure out what stage they were in.

In the midst of a fleshy wet sensation that clenched all across her vulva and held it spread, she noticed something even slimier repeatedly sliding in the middle. It felt colder than the other parts of its mouth. Its chilling and squishy surface would stick just above her clitoris, then quickly press itself down to spread all over her labia to tug. It then, for an unnaturally long time, sliding back up everywhere it's touching until it ended with a flick on her clit. Then comes back down to do it again.

That’s a tongue!...’ She thought.

Her breath caught and her back arched in the anticipation of another ‘lick’ from the snail.

It was a freakishly long tongue. And she was being submitted to feel the entirety of its surface area with her lips as the snail tasted it in a now aroused state from all angles.

Which meant this was still the third stage called “taste”.

Oh my god, if this is stage three, what’s it going to feel on stage four?

Another wave of the wet sensation spread throughout her vulva and she pressed her groin forward to press into it even more. The foul creature’s ceaseless assault on her senses with its tongue while she laid helplessly to their mercy kept arousing her as she clenched in satisfaction. With her limbs still laid numb, all she could do was rocking her hips to pace with the tongues.

She didn’t know nor care why this was happening. All she knew was that they were so good at pleasing her and she couldn’t fight it.

I may as well just enjoy this… What’s the worst they’re going to do?’ Juni thought in bliss. ‘It’s not like anyone is watching…

She closed her eyes, laid her head on the edge of the pool behind her, and allowed the critters to worship her.

Her arousal was quite high even though she was becoming calmer in this situation. She giggled as she felt more snails crawling on her body and playing around in different parts. She wondered if she could cum just from what they were doing with the tongue.

Then a spark of stronger sensation came through from her nipples and groin. The tongues began to move faster.

No, they started twisting their tongues into weird shape.

Wait, no, they started sucking and clenching her body parts harder.

Or all of them?

Her mouth dropped open as a sudden spike of stimulations threatened to overwhelm her. They weren’t just pleasures. They were also weird crawlies tickling and irritating her senses on top of overstimulating her pleasure parts. She realized what was happening. Or more accurately, what she had just done.

When their meals become comfortable enough with them, they acknowledge it as their meal’s higher tolerance to their stimulation and needing stronger acts of lust, even the torturous one. These snails were holding back and being careful with her before. Now she opened the real cans of worms all over her sexual organs. And that big tongue has now slipped in through her lips, tasting and twisting from the inside.

The sudden violation jolted Juni and she tried to roll away, overwhelmed enough to frantically struggle and scream, and yet mindless in the thrill and pleasure. But nothing she did slowed them down.

She felt them swallowing her private parts further into their mouths, where they were allowed to squeeze and rub her all they wanted. Their tongues coiled around her skin, massaging and slithering her breasts, and jerking inside of her crotch.

The thrill of being helpless and being lustfully wanted excited Juni. Her struggle to resist became a rocking motion trying to grind on the mouth riding her pussy. Her legs spread wider and her jagged screams softened into a song of moans as the arousal kept flushing throughout her body.

They ate her like hungry beasts. With no ways to break free from them, her body engulfed in their alien organs, it felt like her orgasm was coming near.

She squeezed her thighs, tried to shake them off her body to delay her orgasm, let the pleasure roll on endlessly, ignore what their tongues were doing, and tensed her whole body so it could feel numb. But all that did was rubbing herself on them as she moved. And it seemed to have excited them further.

She felt the climax, just a tip away. Her body tensed, the desperately needed release just out of reach, the snails controlling her every sensation until she felt close to blacking out. Suddenly she felt a shiver, something stimulating the snails as their motion increased. Juni cried out, her whole body vibrating, clenching in pleasure, building, cresting until suddenly they set her free.

Juni arched in the pool, speechless, wracked by seemingly endless contractions, unable to handle the onslaught. The wave seemed like it would never end, her cry now a desperate whimper, sensations as she had never felt but knew she would want again and again wracking through her.

After a lifetime she collapsed in the water, the snails sated for now pulling back but for a select few still attached to her clit and breasts. Exhausted, she stroked their slick skin, savoring the easy calming sensation

Feeling extremely sleepy again, she closed her eyes a split second longer than usual as she blinked. And when she looked for the snail on her crotch she was stroking, she found another face in its place. Similar slick gloss on its skin. But it was grey instead of black. And instead of a snail, it was sort of a humanoid head. Except, it had no eyes, its huge mouth with peeled lips revealed its teeth now hovering over her groin, and its tongue about to lick her.

Its sudden appearance frightened her, and the shiver crawled all the way over her spine from where it bared its teeth.

She breathed in heavily as she was about to scream. But her vision blackened, her body numbed again, faint sensations of pleasure in her head, then she woke up in the spring by herself.

She looked around. There were no other things creeping around the room. The book she left on the edge of the pool was still there. Water was still gently flowing in the pool. She felt her body around and nothing felt sore or worn out.

‘What a messed up dream that was’. She thought.

And she liked it.

After composing herself, she got out of the spring and dried herself before collecting the book about the snails. She was still quite curious about what else was going on with their biology and wanted to compare how close it was to what she felt in her dream. Surely a random dream based on other creatures she played with in the past. But she thought it would still be fun to see the difference.

As she was about to leave, she noticed some parts of the ground around the pool with holes. That’s where the snails came out from in her dream. She wondered if that was there before.


A collaborated story with AMDrake.

More parts of the story have been drafted. We'll see if we manage to finish them.

AMDrake is an author of books and online literatures with a wide range of erotic genres. Make sure to check out her works if those categories interest you.

Her other sites can be found at the following links:

Deviant Art:




  1. I'm a man and I wish, I could find this temple with all these horny and giant slugs to stay there for a day and a night long .... two times ... three times ... for endless orgasms


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